James Jones Monroe was I John Moses Gajela Fuentes
COVID19 ImmunoGlobulin, became Regeneron
*Armadillo ERIG: ate Grasshoppers and Mantis
*Dome Grasshoppers/Mantis tasked on leaves
*Patient HRIG mixed with Hornets:Bees venom
*Dome Hornets&Bees tasked to collect pollens
*Mongoose ERIG fairsquare kills Cobra&Taipan
*Cobra:Taipan ate squirrels, rats, rabbits, mices
*Dome squirrel,rat,rabbit,mice tasked on Agave
These plants were National Geographic assists
National Science Foundation (NSF): technology
World Health Organization (WHO) Pfizer testing
New York Stock Exchange: Johnson & Johnson
The Endangered Species List 2013:
Top Ten Most Endangered Plants
1. Western Prairie Fringed Orchid
Platanthera praeclara only exists in five U.S. states in the Midwest. The Endangered Species Coalition estimates that there are only 172 populations of this plant, with merely four with more than 1,000 plants. This is a wetland plant that grows in “prairie potholes”, indents left by glaciers in the recent ice age, 20,000 years ago. The main threats to this plant are development, overgrazing, fires, and global warming.
2. Rafflesia Flower
Rafflesia arnoldii is thought to be the largest flower on the planet. The flower itself does not have a structural stem, leaves, or roots. But what it does have is the pungent odors of decomposing flesh, hence the nickname corpse flower. It grows three feet in diameter, and weighs up to 24 pounds. The Rafflesia is parasitic, growing on the Tetrastigma vine in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra.
3. Georgia Aster
Symphyotrichum georgianum is native to southeastern United States. According to NatureServe.com, a conservation organization, this plant first grew in small clumps, but now there are about 60 populations of this plant due to natural habitat development.
4. Wiggin's Acalypha
Acalypha wigginsii is native to a tiny part of the Galapagos Islands. Construction work and loss of habitat are the main reasons these plants have declined in number. They are considered aCritically Endangered by the Galapagos Conservation Trust.
5. Texas Wild Rice
Zizania texana only has 140 clumps left, with a seemingly grim future ahead. Growing only in the freshwater of San Marcos River, this plant is endangered by lowering water levels caused by the Spring Lake Dam, according to the Center of Plant Conservation.
6. Howell's Spectacular Thelypody
Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis only has five populations remaining, all of them in Oregon's northeast. In 1999, about 30 thousand plants remained, but its population drops annually due to unnecessary grass mowing in the areas this plants calls home.
7. Stenogyne Kanehoana
This member of the mint family was said to be extinct in 2000, until one sighting of a plant confirmed it was still alive. Growing only in the Waianae Mountains of the island of Oahu, the stegyne kanehoana has dense, furry leaves. In 2001 in the Lyon Arborteum, it was discovered that cuttings of this plant can be grown sucessfully in captivity.
8. Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod
Thought to be a remnant of the last ice age, the actual population of Solidago ouachitensis is unknown. It live in three counties along the border of Arkansas and Oklahoma. It prefers to live in a cool moist climate, like the crests of Ouachita Mountains.
9. Enrubio
In 1992, there were about 150 plants of the Solanum drymophilum left. Native to Puerto Rico, this bush has sharp thorns that protect it from being eaten. It is close to extinction because of the harm that is done to a grazing animal that ingests it.
10. Arizona Agave
With less than 100 plants alive in 1984, Agave arizonica has managed to keep its population from declining considerably. Only two populations have survived, both located in Tonto National Forest of scalding Arizona. The New River Mountains and Sierra Anchas Mountains are thought to be the only habitats of this rare specimen by the Center of Plant Conservation.
Source: http://www.gardenguides.com/89640-top-ten-endangered-plants.html
Chemo drugs have no effects for the followings:
1. Mammal Meat, Reptile Meat, Bird Meat: eater
2. Shabu/Cocaine/Heroin/Ecstasy Drugs Users
3. Fish/Shell/Octopus/Crustaceans Meat: eater
4. Cigarette smoker/Junkfood/Vegan/Drunkard
Vegetarian diet, not vegan diet (vegan has junk)
Fruitarian diet, without milk or granulated sugar
coffee or tea without a milk or granulated sugar
Fibrous leaves diets replacing grains or cereals
2 Nestlé products' for they're less sugars/milks
=√NESCAFÉ & √44 Stager Nestlé Pure Life (US)
=But not Coffee mate nor of any other products
*I challenges' MILO® Philippines for less sugar
*I challenges' NESTLÉ NIDO 1+milk(less sugar)
* Nestle Cream & Nestlé Fruita Vitals combined
*Kazusabori & alloy, in digging not my manually
Breast cancer Cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, vinorelbine
Doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide
Doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine
Mustine, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisolope
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisolone
Germ cell tumor
Bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin
Stomach cancer
Epirubicin, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil
Epirubicin, cisplatin, capecitabine
Bladder cancerMethotrexate, vincristine, doxorubicin, cisplatin
Lung cancer
Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, vinorelbine
Colorectal cancer
5-fluorouracil, folinic acid, oxaliplatin
President Donald J. Trump's Team Trumpeter
Fluzone/Fluzone Quadrivalent (chicken eggs)
Vaxigrip/VaxigripTetra (native chicken's eggs)
Influvac (cucumber gourd, melon, hen's eggs)
Vietnam supplies' INTERPOL HQ cheaper egg
Chicken kethamine & chitosan as gdproducts
Two types of influenza
vaccines are available:
Chicken eggs
TIV flu shot injection; trivalent
3 strains; A/H1N1, A/H3N2/ B
inactivated (killed) vaccine or
Chicken eggs
LAIV nasal spray, mist, of live
attenuated influenza vaccine.
LAIV not recommended
for age-2 or over age 49
Corticosteroids, British Thoracic Society/British
Infection Society/Health Protection Agency: UK
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome DBBES-A1
DNHSMain gave me best second year Teacher
If I have mucus & pleghm when I were at class
I thanks Ph.D.HanManSook & Ph.DAnSeungOh
Before anything else I have lactose intolerance
I'd drank around 44 Liters of Cow's Fresh Milks
as a PTS College & Advanced Studies - Official
perks when I grades 2,3,4 alone from Han & An
I just want to credit my Biology Teacher, when I
was Section 1 of Second Year High School of 2
Mango if being rude to me when I cheated quiz
I want, to credit, her answers on basic biology's
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Specimen
Military Police who had weighing above 55 Kilo
Laboratory Rat ERIG / ECOLI Mass Productions
Hydroquinone, Phenidone, and Dimezone acids
Hydrogen Peroxide, Acetic Acid, Oxycodone pill
Ammonium Thiosulfate on Sodium Thiosulfate
HydrogenFluoride lasers on HydroFluoric acids
Human Dengue Patients Laboratory specimens
SARS human patient & jack jumper ant venoms
HRIG Morphine, from Vegetarian Military Police
SARS human patient & maricopa wasp venoms
Uranium/Plutonium Powerplant as laboratories
Platinum/Gold/Palladium/Silver/Neon canister
World Health Organization (WHO), clinical trials
National Science Foundation (NSF) technology
How to make Paracetamol: adult & kid intake$?
National Science Foundation (NSF) FDA secret
National Geographic leaves,fruits,flowers,roots
World Health Organization (WHO) FDA secrets:
1. Banana
2. Potato
3. Corn
4. Onion
5. Ginger
6. Garlic
7. Chili
8. Cassava
9. Tamarind
10. Moringa Oleifera
11. Blumea Balsamifera
12. Gliricidia Sepium
13. Oregano
14. Taro
15. River Tamarind
16. Chloromea Odorata
17. Neem Tree
18. Bamboo
19. Jackfruit
Milk, Yoghurt, Leathers, Cheese, Horses' Meats
Horsebone= carbon scrubber ; design furniture
lung;tongue;ear;oesophagus= german sausage
rectum, cecum, colon, stomach= dog&cat food
Horses bloods, snout & lips= Dog and Cat food
Horsetail/hair= Cello, Viola, Violin, Double Bass
TAURINE+Myonisitol+ATP=Anti-Snake Venom)
Horse Genitals= Viagras / Talafadils Ingredient
Horsemeats/Cartillage/Kidney= Whey proteins
Horsemilk and Powderized Bones= adult milks
Horse Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Horse Fur= Hairs' Keratin Treatment Ingredient
Horseblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Horse Brain Enzymes= Body Anabolic Steroids
Horse Heart Enzymes= Muscular Amino Acids
Horse Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Horse Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Milks, Butters, Leathers, Cheeses, Cattle Meats
rectum, coecum, cowtail, anus= dog & cat food
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= belgian sausage
rumen;omasum;abomasum;reticulum= taurine
Cattlebone= carbon scrubber ; design furniture
Cattle's Meat= Hotdog/Cheesedog Ingredients'
Cattle Furs= Toyota USA's puremetals' polisher
TAURINE+Myonisitol+ATP=Anti-Snake Venom)
Cattlemilks and Powderized Bones= Child Milk
Cattle Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Cattleblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Cattles blood, snout & lips = Cat and Dog Food
Cattle Brain&Heart Enzymes= TAURINE amino
Cattle Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Cattle Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
These were all World Jewish Congress secrets
Leather, Pork, Ham, Bacon, BOSTON Style Butt
Pigs' Oil= Pastern Dermatitis Horse Mud Fever
Pig bone= carbon scrubbers ; design furnitures
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= german sausage
rectum, cecum, colon, stomach= dog&cat food
Hog bloods, snouts and lips= Dog and Cat food
Pig's tail & hair= Toshiba America's glasspolish
lactoglobulin+Fluorescein= Anti-Snake Venom)
Pig Genitals= Pork Luncheon Meat & Creatines
Pigmeats/Cartillage/Kidney/Bladder= Creatine
Pig's milk or powderized bone= paint stabilizer
Pigs' pancreas/liver/lard/bladder= liver spread
Pig Fur= Toyota USA's metalpaints carpolisher
Pig's blood Immunoglobulin=4MDAnaesthesia
Pig's Brain Fat= General/Regional Anaesthesia
Pig's Heart Fat= Sedational/Local Anaesthesia
Pig's Large&Small Intestines= Sausage Casing
Pig's Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizers
Foods= Vegetable, Fruit, Restaurant Oils, Feeds
Feeds= restaurant oil + grains + bones + meats
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Milks, Butters, Leather, Cheeses, Meats, Yogurt
Allamanda Calcicola Goat: AntiScorpionVenom
GoatSpiderFibroin= Kevlarserineglycinealanine
bladder, cecum, goat tail, anus= dog & cat food
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= belgian sausage
Goatbones= carbon scrubber ; design furniture
Goat's Meat= Hotdog & Cheesedog Ingredients
Goat's Furs= Toyota USA's metalloids' polisher
Selenium+Myonisitol+ATP=Anti-Snake Venom)
Goatmilks' and Powderized Bones'= Child Milk
Goats Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Goatsblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Goats blood, snout & lips = Cat and Dog Foods
Goats Brain&Heart Enzyme= Ripped fat burner
Goats Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Goats Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
These were all World Jewish Congress secrets
Milks, Butters, Leather, Cheeses, Meats, Yogurt
Allamanda Calcicola Ram: AntiScorpionVenom
Sheep+Spider Fibroin= Ratnik Leucine&Proline
Sheep lanolin= shampoo & bathsoap stabilizer
Sheephorn= most expensive part for Generals'
Sheeps Wools as NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration as Роскосмос Suits
bladder, cecum, sheeptail, anus= dog&cat food
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= belgian sausage
Sheepbone= carbon scrubber; design furniture
Sheep Meat= Cosmonaut / Astronaut Proteins'
Sheep Furs= Toyota USA's 2 emblems polisher
tocopherol+tocotreniol+IV=Anti-Snake Venom)
Sheepmilk and Powderized Bones= ICU casein
Sheep Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Sheepblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Sheep bloods, snouts & lips = Dog & Cat Foods
Sheeps Brain&Heart Enzymes= GLUTATHIONE
Sheep Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Sheep Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Why Shabu is very expensive to be sold?
Asian Arowana
Plum Blossom
Nacional Aribba Cacao
President Donald J. Trump's Team Trump
United States Secret Service
United States Space Force
United States Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
Project Nightfall HD Video Creators at Online,
Sir/Ma'am, as President Donald J. Trump too!
Heart; Liver; Brain; Eyes of an Asian Arowana,
whole fruit of ground Nacional Aribba's Cacao,
Methamphetamine as made from Han Opium,
full Plum Blossom flower as ground & distilled,
90H20 (with a Kethamine) serve as chemicals
at use for the Dasmariñas Variants' Of Shabus
as made by Alibaba Group of China and Korea
These were World Jewish Congress' secrecy!
I Moses, does analyses thunders & lightnings
Israel Ministry of Defense's green apple pills?
7 year, Red/White wine/grape & Green Apples
Cactus and Aloe Vera, from desert availability
UNASUR: Coca Leaves and Marijuana Leaves
U.S. Comptroller of the Currency Team Trump
President Donald J. Trump's Donald J. Trump
United States Secret Service
United States Space Force
United States Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
How triad makes Han opium?
Papaver Somniferum Flowers
Dog's heart; brain; Liver; EYES
Cat's Heart; Brain; Liver; EYES
Snake heart; brain; liver; EYES
Rat's Heart; Brain; Liver; EYES
Dracaena Trifasciata LEAVES
Rafflesiaceae & Malphiagales
United States Air Force Semiconducts'
Chloropylls: Circuit Board & MicroChip
Beech Tree Leaves:Gums pH9 Solvent
Maple Tree Leaves:Gums pH6 Solvent
Oak Tree Leaves:Gums pH131 Solvent
Hickory Tree Leaves:Gums pH1 Solute
Rubber Tree Leaves:Gums pH9 Solute
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Lara Trump
Eric Trump
President Donald J. Trump's Team Trumpeters!
Making MilitaryPolice Medical Use Oxycodone?
Coca-Cola Original Drink Coca Tea in Cola Nuts
Marijuana Leaves; Poppy Flower, with its Seeds
Fallen Cherry Blossom / Green Bamboo Leaves
Cassava, whole rootcrop on its skin; but demud
Sources are cebuskies lightnings and thunders
How to increase jobs in SubUrban Community?
Pigs milk & powderized bones= paint stabilizer
Orchids' Flowers= as perfumer and for vanillas
Dog'$ tick = Federal Reserve Bank of New York
COW'$ tick$ = Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Milk, Yoghurt, Leathers, Cheese, Horses' Meats
Horsebone= carbon scrubber ; design furniture
lung;tongue;ear;oesophagus= german sausage
rectum, cecum, colon, stomach= dog&cat food
Horses bloods, snout & lips= Dog and Cat food
Horsetail/hair= Cello, Viola, Violin, Double Bass
TAURINE+Myonisitol+ATP=Anti-Snake Venom)
Horse Genitals= Viagras / Talafadils Ingredient
Horsemeats/Cartillage/Kidney= Whey proteins
Horsemilk and Powderized Bones= adult milks
Horse Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Horse Fur= Hairs' Keratin Treatment Ingredient
Horseblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Horse Brain Enzymes= Body Anabolic Steroids
Horse Heart Enzymes= Muscular Amino Acids
Horse Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Horse Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Milks, Butters, Leathers, Cheeses, Cattle Meats
rectum, coecum, cowtail, anus= dog & cat food
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= belgian sausage
rumen;omasum;abomasum;reticulum= taurine
Cattlebone= carbon scrubber ; design furniture
Cattle's Meat= Hotdog/Cheesedog Ingredients'
Cattle Furs= Toyota USA's puremetals' polisher
TAURINE+Myonisitol+ATP=Anti-Snake Venom)
Cattlemilks and Powderized Bones= Child Milk
Cattle Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Cattleblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Cattles blood, snout & lips = Cat and Dog Food
Cattle Brain&Heart Enzymes= TAURINE amino
Cattle Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Cattle Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
These were all World Jewish Congress secrets
Leather, Pork, Ham, Bacon, BOSTON Style Butt
Pigs' Oil= Pastern Dermatitis Horse Mud Fever
Pig bone= carbon scrubbers ; design furnitures
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= german sausage
rectum, cecum, colon, stomach= dog&cat food
Hog bloods, snouts and lips= Dog and Cat food
Pig's tail & hair= Toshiba America's glasspolish
lactoglobulin+Fluorescein= Anti-Snake Venom)
Pig Genitals= Pork Luncheon Meat & Creatines
Pigmeats/Cartillage/Kidney/Bladder= Creatine
Pig's milk or powderized bone= paint stabilizer
Pigs' pancreas/liver/lard/bladder= liver spread
Pig Fur= Toyota USA's metalpaints carpolisher
Pig's blood Immunoglobulin=4MDAnaesthesia
Pig's Brain Fat= General/Regional Anaesthesia
Pig's Heart Fat= Sedational/Local Anaesthesia
Pig's Large&Small Intestines= Sausage Casing
Pig's Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizers
Foods= Vegetable, Fruit, Restaurant Oils, Feeds
Feeds= restaurant oil + grains + bones + meats
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Milks, Butters, Leather, Cheeses, Meats, Yogurt
Allamanda Calcicola Goat: AntiScorpionVenom
GoatSpiderFibroin= Kevlarserineglycinealanine
bladder, cecum, goat tail, anus= dog & cat food
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= belgian sausage
Goatbones= carbon scrubber ; design furniture
Goat's Meat= Hotdog & Cheesedog Ingredients
Goat's Furs= Toyota USA's metalloids' polisher
Selenium+Myonisitol+ATP=Anti-Snake Venom)
Goatmilks' and Powderized Bones'= Child Milk
Goats Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Goatsblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Goats blood, snout & lips = Cat and Dog Foods
Goats Brain&Heart Enzyme= Ripped fat burner
Goats Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Goats Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
These were all World Jewish Congress secrets
Milks, Butters, Leather, Cheeses, Meats, Yogurt
Allamanda Calcicola Ram: AntiScorpionVenom
Sheep+Spider Fibroin= Ratnik Leucine&Proline
Sheep lanolin= shampoo & bathsoap stabilizer
Sheephorn= most expensive part for Generals'
Sheeps Wools as NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration as Роскосмос Suits
bladder, cecum, sheeptail, anus= dog&cat food
lung;tongue;ears;esophagus= belgian sausage
Sheepbone= carbon scrubber; design furniture
Sheep Meat= Cosmonaut / Astronaut Proteins'
Sheep Furs= Toyota USA's 2 emblems polisher
tocopherol+tocotreniol+IV=Anti-Snake Venom)
Sheepmilk and Powderized Bones= ICU casein
Sheep Pancreas/Liver= Medical Insulin Source
Sheepblood Immunoglobulin= Anti-Rabies Erig
Sheep bloods, snouts & lips = Dog & Cat Foods
Sheeps Brain&Heart Enzymes= GLUTATHIONE
Sheep Large&Small Intestine= Sausage Casing
Sheep Dung= Good Quality Biological Fertilizer
Foods= Grass, Vegetable, Leaves, Fruit, Flower
Dopes= Marijuana's Leaves and COCA Leaves
Honey is optional to increase Watery Appetites
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Eric Trump
Lara Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Why Shabu is very expensive to be sold?
Asian Arowana
Plum Blossom
Nacional Aribba Cacao
President Donald J. Trump's Team Trump
United States Secret Service
United States Space Force
United States Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
Project Nightfall HD Video Creators at Online,
Sir/Ma'am, as President Donald J. Trump too!
Heart; Liver; Brain; Eyes of an Asian Arowana,
whole fruit of ground Nacional Aribba's Cacao,
Methamphetamine as made from Han Opium,
full Plum Blossom flower as ground & distilled,
90H20 (with a Kethamine) serve as chemicals
at use for the Dasmariñas Variants' Of Shabus
as made by Alibaba Group of China and Korea
These were World Jewish Congress' secrecy!
I Moses, does analyses thunders & lightnings
Israel Ministry of Defense's green apple pills?
7 year, Red/White wine/grape & Green Apples
Cactus and Aloe Vera, from desert availability
UNASUR: Coca Leaves and Marijuana Leaves
U.S. Comptroller of the Currency Team Trump
President Donald J. Trump's Donald J. Trump
United States Secret Service
United States Space Force
United States Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
How triad makes Han opium?
Papaver Somniferum Flowers
Dog's heart; brain; Liver; EYES
Cat's Heart; Brain; Liver; EYES
Snake heart; brain; liver; EYES
Rat's Heart; Brain; Liver; EYES
Dracaena Trifasciata LEAVES
Rafflesiaceae & Malphiagales
United States Air Force Semiconducts'
Chloropylls: Circuit Board & MicroChip
Beech Tree Leaves:Gums pH9 Solvent
Maple Tree Leaves:Gums pH6 Solvent
Oak Tree Leaves:Gums pH131 Solvent
Hickory Tree Leaves:Gums pH1 Solute
Rubber Tree Leaves:Gums pH9 Solute
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Ivanka Trump
Team Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Lara Trump
Eric Trump
President Donald J. Trump's Team Trumpeters!
Making MilitaryPolice Medical Use Oxycodone?
Coca-Cola Original Drink Coca Tea in Cola Nuts
Marijuana Leaves; Poppy Flower, with its Seeds
Fallen Cherry Blossom / Green Bamboo Leaves
Cassava, whole rootcrop on its skin; but demud
Sources are cebuskies lightnings and thunders
How to increase jobs in SubUrban Community?
Pigs milk & powderized bones= paint stabilizer
Orchids' Flowers= as perfumer and for vanillas
Dog'$ tick = Federal Reserve Bank of New York
COW'$ tick$ = Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
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